Facts: Client hit two parked cars and was stopped by the police in a nearby parking lot. The client was arrested for DUI and then charged with a breathalyzer refusal.

Results: DUI was dismissed. The recieved a 30 day suspension of his drivers license but was able to obtain a hardship license and continue driving for work purposes.

Domestic Violence Case Dismissed

In this case, Jason represented a victim whose spouse was arrested on domestic violence charges. She didn’t want to go forward but the prosecution insisted. The client hired Jason and, with his help, blocked the prosecution. The government ultimately had to dismiss the matter becuase they had no other choice.

Second Offense DUI

Facts: Client was arrested and charged with DUI and breathalyzer refusal. It was the second time in three years.

Results: The client was facing jail and a minimum one year loss of license. However, after negotiation, the Court agreed to a minimal suspension of 45 days and allowed the client to drive back and forth to work during the suspension.

The client did not have to serve any jail time.

Domestic Assault Dismissed

Facts: Client was charged with domestic assault on two members of the family.

Results: After gathering evidence from the client’s medical providers and presenting it to the prosecution, the case was dismissed with no resulting criminal record.

Case Result: A commercial driver’s license holder gets a DUI

Facts: The client, a commercial truck driver, got a DUI and breathalyzer refusal charge.

Results: After negotiation with the prosecutor, the client was able to plead to a simple reckless driving charge. The refusal was dismissed and the court did not suspend the client’s license.

Sexual assault

Facts: Juvenile was charged with first degree sexual assault.

Results: Charge dropped to felony assault with probation and suspended jail time. Client does not have to register as a sex offender.

New Result: Road Rage

Facts: The client was charged with reckless driving and throwing an object at a moving vehicle. The client had become enraged with another driver and aggressively maneuvered his car to interfere with the other driver. Eventually, the client threw a full Dunkin Donuts cup at the car.

Result: Case was resolved with a filing resulting in no conviction and no license loss.

Sexual Assault

Facts: Client charged with sexual contact with a person in their sleep.

Result: Not guilty after trial.

New Result: Domestic Assault

Facts: The client and his spouse got into an argument. The spouse was hit and had a bloody nose. The spouse call the police to remove the client and the client was charged with a number of domestic crimes.

Results: The case, and all the counts, were dismissed after negotiation with the prosecutor.

Rhode Island Criminal Result: Juvenile Sexual Assault


  • In this case, the client was charged with sexual assault on a younger family member. The client was also a juvenile. The facts were very serious and involved multiple offenses.


  • After months of negotiation, the client pled guilty to a non sex charge in exchange for a collection of penalties and treatment. Most importantly, the client will be able to carry on his life without sex offender registration.