In this case, Jason represented a victim whose spouse was arrested on domestic violence charges. She didn’t want to go forward but the prosecution insisted. The client hired Jason and, with his help, blocked the prosecution. The government ultimately had to dismiss the matter becuase they had no other choice.
Category: Domestic Violence
Domestic Assault Dismissed
Facts: Client was charged with domestic assault on two members of the family.
Results: After gathering evidence from the client’s medical providers and presenting it to the prosecution, the case was dismissed with no resulting criminal record.
New Result: Domestic Assault
Facts: The client and his spouse got into an argument. The spouse was hit and had a bloody nose. The spouse call the police to remove the client and the client was charged with a number of domestic crimes.
Results: The case, and all the counts, were dismissed after negotiation with the prosecutor.
Rhode Island Lawyer Results: Domestic Assault
Facts: client was charged with domestic assault. An independent witness observed the incident.
Results: case dismissed
Case Result: Domestic Assault
Facts: Client accused of domestic assault. A conviction would result in deportation.
Results: Case dismissed with conditions on day of trial. Client avoided deportation.
Case Result: Domestic Assault and Domestic Disorderly Conduct
Facts: Client charged with domestic assault and domestic disorderly conduct after a fight with his spouse.
Results: Case dismissed.
Case Result: Accused of Domestic Assault. Client was on Probation
Facts: Client accused of domestic assault. Client was on probation and facing five years in jail.
Result: Dismissed.
Case Result: Domestic assault
Facts: Client charged with assaulting his mother. Prosecutor was unwilling to negotiate. Passed the case for trial.
Results: Dismissed
Case Result: Domestic assault
Facts: Client beat up his girlfriend and was caught on video doing it.
Results: Case dismissed.
Case Result: Domestic assault
Facts: Client charged with domestic assault on his son-in-law.
Results: Case dismissed.