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Child Pornography

Providence Child Pornography Attorney

Defending Against Child Pornography Charges in Rhode Island

When you have been accused of the serious sex crime of possessing child pornography, The Law Office of Jason Knight and our Providence sex crimes attorney can be there to defend you. With a long list of 5-star client testimonials and a “Superb” Rating from Avvo, you can be certain that Attorney Knight has what it takes to bring justice to your case and shield you from the law that might be holding you in an unfair and biased light.

You need to act fast to maximize your chances of receiving a beneficial outcome to your case. The prosecution is already piling on the evidence against you and you cannot give them any more time to gain an advantage.

Call us at (401) 354-2255 for a free consultation – we are available 24/7/365.

What is Child Pornography?

Child pornography charges generally involve the accusation that someone knowingly possessed illicit sexual material featuring minors. Charges can also relate to distributing such materials or actually producing or replicating it, either physically or digitally. A single conviction of any of these sex crimes can absolutely destroy your future chances of a normal life as your reputation is reduced to ribbons and others view you in a negative light, regardless if your charges were accurate or not.

What are the Penalties for Child Pornography in Rhode Island?

Penalties for child pornography crimes may include:

  • 15 years in state or federal prison
  • $5,000 or more in fines
  • Restitution paid to potential alleged victims
  • Sex offender registration (permanent)

Defenses Against Child Pornography Charges

When you retain the services of Providence Sex Crimes Attorney Jason Knight, you will be putting a professional in charge of your defense. With years of experience and a record of successful case results and verdicts, our firm has developed a strong reputation as being capable of providing solid defensive cases for our clients.

If you have been accused of child pornography possession, some of the defenses we may be able to use include:

  • Illegal search: Not much the prosecution brings can hold up in court if your possessions or digital files were raided by the police without a valid warrant, or a valid reason to even request a warrant.
  • Misunderstanding: In some illicit materials, the age of the people depicted is not clear to others, or is even falsely advertised as 18 or older.
  • Misplacement: It can be particularly hard to prove that the materials discovered are actually your property, especially in shared residences or on a digital hard drive. It is not uncommon for pornographic files to be downloaded invisibly with other files, unbeknownst to the downloader.
  • Inaccurate: Materials that law enforcement describes as child pornography might not be sexual to you at all, but instead represent a form of artwork. If the material is not illicit, it should not be considered a crime.

When a total dismissal of your charges is not possible, we can push for a reduction of your sentence. There have been numerous recent cases our law firm has taken on in which Attorney Knight was able to minimize the penalties and close the case without mandatory sex offender registration.

Want to know more about our services and practice? Contact us today.

How We Can Help

What Sets Us Apart

Invaluable Insight & Proven Skills
  • Emergency Appointments Available 24/7
  • Affordable Service & Convenient Office Hours
  • Trial-Tested & Compassionate
  • Former Prosecutor